Bob Aholt: Angel Investing is Like Baseball.

Bob Aholt is an active member of one of the largest Angel Investor Groups in the World, The Pasadena Angels. And we are fortunate to have them right here in Pasadena. Bob came to SCV Startup to share his experiences as an active angel investor with a packed house of startups. He explained the formula he uses to select which startups to invest in, what key attributes he and his team use to select startups and why Angel Investing is a lot like…baseball.
The Recap
Press Coverage
“Great meet up, I enjoyed the conversation with the angel investor like he was an old friend. See you all next time!”
“great info!”
“Eric Arndt and Pasadena Angel, Vice Chairman, Robert Aholt held another spectacular SCV startup event @ The Chip. Entrepreneurs – how often have you been able to get up-close and personal with a prominent So Cal Investor while having a beer…for FREE? If you want to fast track your knowledge of the start-up ecosystem you must attend SCV Start-up. Serious about creating a community of seasoned, successful entrepreneurs here in the Valley SCV is not to be missed.”
“very good party and business meeting”
“Bob was a wealth of information! His straightforward assessment of what angel investors look for was extremely enlightening. He’s a top-notch speaker and presenter. I’m sure his PowerPoint presentation was good too :-)”
“The presentation by Bob Aholt was fantastic and I really appreciated his candor while speaking with us. Erick was a great host who did a great job of focusing the discussion and information on us as entrepreneurs.
I also really enjoyed the brief NLP overview by John Carter – this is one of my favorite topics that I never tire of learning more about.
I look forward to seeing you all again at the next event!”